What is the eligibility criteria for appearing in the IAS exam?
There is no specific eligibility criteria for appearing in the IAS exam. However, candidates must have a graduation degree from a recognized university.
What is the Syllabus for the IAS exam?
The syllabus for the IAS exam is decided by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). The UPSC notifies the syllabus for the IAS exam every year. The syllabus for the IAS exam covers topics from Indian polity, economy, geography, history and general knowledge.
What is the pattern of the IAS exam?
The IAS exam pattern is designed to test the candidates’ understanding of the concepts of public administration and governance. It consists of a written test and an interview.
What are the subjects covered in the IAS exam?
The IAS exam covers a range of subjects, including Indian polity, economy, history, geography, international relations, and public administration.
What is the age limit for appearing in the IAS exam?
There is no prescribed age limit for appearing in the IAS exam.
What is the minimum qualification required for appearing in the IAS exam?
The minimum qualification required for appearing in the IAS exam is a graduation degree.
What is the maximum age limit for appearing in the IAS exam?
There is no age limit for appearing in the IAS exam.
Can a Computer Science Engineer appear for the IAS exam?
Computer Science Engineers can appear for the IAS exam, but they may not be able to get a high rank in the exam.
What is the fee for appearing in the IAS exam?
The fee for appearing in the IAS exam is Rs. 2,000.
How many times can a candidate appear for the IAS exam?
There is no limit on the number of times a candidate can appear for the IAS exam.
What is the duration of the IAS exam?
The duration of the IAS exam is three years.
What is the language of the IAS exam?
The language of the IAS exam is English.
What is the nature of the IAS exam?
The IAS exam is a civil service examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) in India. It is one of the most prestigious examinations in the country, and is the gateway to prestigious government jobs. The exam is conducted every year in three stages: preliminary, main, and interview.
What is the pattern of the IAS exam?
The IAS exam pattern is as follows:
The exam consists of three stages: Preliminary, Main, and Interview.
The Preliminary exam is a written exam consisting of two papers: Paper 1 is an objective test of General Studies, and Paper 2 is an objective test of civil service aptitude.
The Main exam is a written exam consisting of nine papers: Paper 1 is an objective test of General Studies, Paper 2 is an essay test on General Studies, Papers 3-8 are objective tests of specific subjects, and Paper 9 is an interview test.
The Interview is a test of an applicant’s personal qualities and suitability for service.
What is the syllabus for the IAS exam?
The syllabus for the IAS exam is very comprehensive and covers a wide range of subjects. The syllabus includes topics from Indian history, geography, economics, polity, and social issues.
What is the eligibility criteria for appearing in the IAS exam?
The eligibility criteria for appearing in the IAS exam are:
1) The candidate must be a citizen of India.
2) The candidate must have completed graduation in any discipline from a recognised university.
3) The candidate must have at least 21 years of age as on 1st August of the year of examination.
4) The candidate must not have completed 32 years of age as on 1st August of the year of examination.
What is the age limit for appearing in the IAS exam?
There is no age limit for appearing in the IAS exam.
What is the minimum qualification required for appearing in the IAS exam?
The minimum qualification required for appearing in the IAS exam is a Bachelor’s degree.
What is the maximum age limit for appearing in the IAS exam?
There is no specific age limit for appearing in the IAS exam.
Can a Computer Science Engineer appear for the IAS exam?
Yes, a Computer Science Engineer can appear for the IAS exam.
What is the fee for appearing in the IAS exam?
There is a fee of Rs.2000 for appearing in the IAS exam.
How many times can a candidate appear for the IAS exam?
There is no limit on the number of times a candidate can appear for the IAS exam.
What is the duration of the IAS exam?
The duration of the IAS exam is three hours.
What is the language of the IAS exam?
The language of the IAS exam is English.
What is the nature of the IAS exam?
The IAS exam is a civil service examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) of India. It is one of the most prestigious exams in India, and is the gateway to a career in the Indian Administrative Service (IAS). The exam is held annually in three stages: preliminary, main, and interview.
What is the pattern of the IAS exam?
The pattern of the IAS exam is as follows:
The IAS exam is conducted in three stages: Preliminary, Main, and Interview.
The Preliminary stage is a written exam consisting of two papers: Paper I (General Studies) and Paper II (Civil Services Aptitude Test).
The Main stage is an interview-based stage.
The Interview stage is the final stage of the exam and is based on an interview with the UPSC panel.
What is the syllabus for the IAS exam?
The syllabus for the IAS exam is very broad and extensive. It covers topics from Indian history, geography, economy, and polity.
What is the eligibility criteria for appearing in the IAS exam?
The eligibility criteria for appearing in the IAS exam are:
1) A candidate must be a citizen of India.
2) A candidate must have a Bachelor’s degree from a recognised university.
3) A candidate must have at least three years of experience in government service or in a company of repute.
What is the age limit for appearing in the IAS exam?
There is no age limit for appearing in the IAS exam.
What is the minimum qualification required for appearing in the IAS exam?
The minimum qualification required for appearing in the IAS exam is a Bachelor’s degree from a recognised university.